Volunteers are an important part of Feed the Hungry San Miguel’s operations. We could not operate as effectively or efficiently without their dedicated support.

Weekly Warehouse Workers: A small group of regular volunteers meet at the Feed the Hungry Center (warehouse and operations facility) on Monday morning every week that school is in session. In less than two hours, they efficiently sort, weigh, pack, and label shipments of the required dry-goods food items for each individual school kitchen, in accordance with the weekly requisitions. A second
cadre arrives on Monday afternoon to sort and weigh fresh produce and add the required amount to each of the school-kitchen’s weekly delivery.
Weekly Drivers: On Tuesday morning regular drivers pick up and deliver the prepared shipments. Most of the schools, in poor, remote villages, can only be reached by miles of unpaved roads, difficult to access by car or SUV, especially during the rainy season. Volunteer drivers use their own vehicles and fuel to deliver food and kitchen supplies.

Each driver has a designated school destination and makes the trip weekly, during Mexico’s late August thru early July school year.
Additional Opportunities: Volunteers provide talent and time to produce and execute our fundraising events, and to assemble our direct mail campaign materials.
Los Ricos Teachers: A volunteer group teaches English to children and adults in the community of Los Ricos de Abajo. This group also raises funds for a Scholarship Program.
To contact the volunteer coordinators CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP or email them at volunteers@feedthehungrysma.org