Feed the Hungry San Miguel

carta del presidente

In June, I had the pleasure of attending the elementary school graduation ceremonies at some of the schools where Feed the Hungry San Miguel has provided students with healthy lunches every day for several years. Seeing our students graduate is an honor and a privilege; it is the culmination of all their hard work and […]

carta del presidente Lee mas "

Back to School: A Return to Learning and a Break from Hunger

One of the greatest barriers to education is hunger. But if children have the sustenance to reach their potential in school, they are better equipped to build a stronger future for themselves, their families, and their communities. We have seen just how hunger directly impacts the learning capacities of young children. It impairs their cognitive

Back to School: A Return to Learning and a Break from Hunger Lee mas "

Highlights & Happenings Newsletter – Summer 2024

Welcome to our latest newsletter. We hope you enjoy catching up on news from Feed the Hungry San Miguel! Link to each article below. To receive this and other timely news via email, subscribe. Lee la Edición en Español en SanMiguelSinHambre.org In this issue: Back to School: A Return to Learning and a Break from Hunger One

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