In April 2020, Feed the Hungry began to package and deliver critical food supplies to thousands of desperate families throughout the San Miguel de Allende municipality. This required packaging and delivering food to 37 communities and seven local charities every two weeks.
Our Feed the Families Emergency Response program is still providing this assistance and will continue to do so as long as there is a need, and as long as resources allow. This is only possible thanks to our generous donors, our incredibly hard working staff, operational direction and moral support by our board of trustees, and help from the Dirección de Cultura y Tradiciones.
Here is how a “typical” day goes during these challenging times! You can also view the short video here.

7:30am – Emergency Response teams arrive at the FTH distribution center.
7:45am – Loading of trucks with food packages for distribution.
8:45am – Drivers leave for the day’s assigned routes and packers begin assembly of the next day’s distribution.
9:30am – Arrive at the first community between 9:00 and 9:45 am, depending on distance. The team welcomes the beneficiaries, reminds them of social distancing, and distributes masks to those who need them. The list of beneficiaries is cross checked with the help of our mom volunteers from the communities we serve.
Beneficiaries wait for their names to be called, and one at a time receive their bag of food that will feed as much as a family of five for two weeks. We remind them to continue to eat well, drink plenty of water, wash their hands often, and follow city health guidelines.
On any given day, we deliver 300-350 bags of food in 37 different communities, mostly rural.

1:00pm – Back to the distribution center for a lunch break (or lunch on the road, pre-packaged by our cook, Sra. Imelda).
1:30pm – Our multi-tasking drivers (FTH chefs and nutritionists) gas up for the next day and perform a quick check-up on our trucks.
2:30pm – Count bags for the next day’s deliveries, update inventories, and catch up on office tasks.
4:00pm – The teams end the day with a great feeling of accomplishment, knowing that entire families will have relief from the pain of hunger.

We are so proud of our teams, and so grateful for our supporters!